Scania R 500 Intarder*Vollspoiler*E6C*deutsch. LKW

The price is 36533 Euro.

Check the technical data of the unit, picked out from the catalog of SCANIA R 500 Tractor unit.

Examine the specs of the unit and make a proper choice.

The vehicle was manufactured in 2017.

Gross Vehicle Weight: 18000 kg.

Engine/driveline: Euro 6, diesel, displacement: 12742 cc, engine cylinders: 6, 500 hp.

Wheel formula and suspension type: suspension: air, 4x2, wheel base: 3700 mm.

Cab comforts include cab model: Basculante, number of beds: 2 couchettes.

The mileage is 1007000 km.

The parking site is in Germany.

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